Simak! Arti Mimpi Membunuh Orang Yang Tidak Dikenal Ternyata Ini Artinya Menurut Pakar

Edward Philips


In Hinduism, dreams are often seen as reflections of the individual’s subconscious thoughts and desires. Dreaming of killing a stranger in Hinduism may suggest repressed anger or unexpressed emotions that need to be acknowledged and dealt with. It could also symbolize the need to confront external challenges or obstacles in one’s life.


In Christianity, dreams are viewed as a means through which God can communicate with believers. Dreaming of killing someone unknown in Christianity may represent feelings of guilt or a desire for spiritual cleansing. It could indicate a need for forgiveness or the resolution of past traumas to achieve inner peace.

Psychological Analysis

From a psychological perspective, dreams are seen as manifestations of our subconscious thoughts, fears, and desires. Dreaming of killing an unknown person can reveal underlying emotions and conflicts that may be present in the dreamer’s waking life. Let us explore some possible psychological interpretations of this unsettling dream:

Edward Philips

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