Wah, Arti Mimpi Kotoran Manusia Ternyata Ini Artinya Menurut Pakar

By Edward Philips 5 Min Read

When it comes to interpreting dreams, the subject of experiencing human feces can evoke various reactions and curiosity. In different cultural and psychological contexts, dreams involving feces have been analyzed for their symbolic meanings and potential implications for one’s life. In this article, we will delve into the interpretations of dreaming about human feces from both religious and psychological perspectives.

Religion, with its rich symbolism and interpretation of dreams, offers a unique lens through which to understand the significance of dreaming about human feces. In many faith traditions, dreams are viewed as messages from the divine or as reflections of one’s inner spiritual state. Similarly, psychological theories provide insights into the subconscious mind and the psyche, shedding light on the deeper meanings behind such dreams.

Arti Mimpi Kotoran Manusia menurut Agama

Within the realm of religious interpretations, dreaming about human feces can carry various meanings and symbolisms. Let us explore some of the interpretations of this dream symbol in different faith traditions:


In Christianity, dreaming about human feces is often associated with the idea of spiritual purification. It may be seen as a metaphor for cleansing oneself from sin and impurity. In this context, the dream may be interpreted as a call to repentance and a reminder to seek forgiveness for past mistakes.


In Islam, dreaming about human feces is considered a negative symbol, representing impurity and defilement. It may indicate the presence of negative influences or actions in one’s life that need to be addressed. The dreamer is encouraged to seek spiritual purification and strive for moral integrity.


In Hinduism, dreaming about human feces can symbolize the need for inner cleansing and purification. It may suggest that the dreamer is carrying emotional or spiritual baggage that needs to be released. The dream could be a call to let go of negative emotions and embrace a state of purity and renewal.

Arti Mimpi Kotoran Manusia menurut Psikologi

From a psychological perspective, dreaming about human feces can offer insights into the dreamer’s subconscious mind and emotional state. Psychologists analyze dreams as reflections of one’s fears, desires, and unresolved issues. Here are some psychological interpretations of dreaming about human feces:

Freudian Interpretation

According to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, dreams involving human feces may represent repressed desires or conflicts related to issues of control and power. The feces symbolize the unconscious mind’s attempt to deal with feelings of guilt, shame, or inadequacy. For Freud, such dreams are manifestations of unresolved psychological issues that need to be addressed through therapy and self-reflection.

Jungian Perspective

Carl Jung, a renowned psychologist, viewed dreams as a window into the collective unconscious and the archetypal symbols that shape human experiences. In Jungian psychology, dreaming about human feces may symbolize the process of individuation and self-discovery. The dreamer is urged to confront and integrate their shadow self, embracing all aspects of their personality, including the darker and more hidden parts.

Cognitive Interpretation

From a cognitive perspective, dreaming about human feces can be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer’s daily experiences and concerns. The dream may be a manifestation of stress, anxiety, or feelings of being overwhelmed. Cognitive psychologists suggest that such dreams may serve as a coping mechanism for processing negative emotions and experiences.

In conclusion, dreams involving human feces can evoke a range of emotions and reactions, depending on one’s cultural, religious, and psychological background. While religious interpretations may vary in their symbolism and implications, psychological perspectives offer valuable insights into the workings of the unconscious mind and the complexities of human experience. Whether seen as a call for spiritual purification or a reflection of inner conflicts, dreaming about human feces invites introspection and self-exploration. By delving deeper into the meanings behind such dreams, individuals can gain a better understanding of themselves and the hidden aspects of their psyche.

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